An End to the Darkness, and Our Time with the Umbragen
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Not long after that invasion our time with the Umbragen comes to an end. We take the days long trip out of the underground and see true sunlight for the first time in almost a year. It’s so bright it hurts the eyes, but I can’t help but stare around at the giant trees and ferns until my eyes water. The sound of the birds and wind are a blessing you never even think about. The underground world of the Umbragen is fascinating but I will forever prefer the aboveground world of sunlight and wind, moonlight and rain.
Shortly before exiting Khyber, Professor Ren tells us that he has arranged for us to be picked up only a few miles from our exit point. I had been wondering a bit since the number of Umbragen traveling with us was small and it did seem like our trek through the jungle to get to the Hydra (likely a week or two walk) was going to be pretty dangerous. Apparently, there is an open area about three miles from the underground exit and there would be a Lyrandar airship waiting for us (perks of being the oldest brother to the Lyrandar Baron I guess). No complaints here because I’ve never had a chance to fly in one and really wanted to get that bird’s eye view of the jungle. The Umbragen leave us a few hundred yards from the area and give each of us a bottle of Azure Shadow wine. This is the favored drink of the Umbragen and can occasionally be found in Stormreach; it is a glowing blue drink and can cause hallucinations and be quite addictive (if too much is imbibed), leading many to ask what is in it. I think it’s some of the mushrooms that are so plentiful in their realm, and I’d specifically say they use the Death’s Head mushroom, but I’m just guessing). No matter what, when it’s drunk in very small doses, it has an amazing taste and does get one… relaxed quite quickly. It’s given to us in a bottle that is blackened to make sure that light does not penetrate as it will quickly lose its potency in light of any sort. The best way to drink it is in the dark or very quickly after pouring.