Background Timeline

 976 Barrakas 4Brook and Silence are born (it’s a joyous day for the world)
 989 NymmAscension to Adulthood
 989 Nymm – 990 OlaruneInterning with various family
 990 Olarune – DravagoInterning with Aunts Butterfly and Thunder
 990 TherendorMeet Ront d’Tharashk
 990 Dravago – 991 EyreInterning w/ Dad and Trees
 990 Lharvion – BarrakasTrip to Titan’s Teeth w/ Dad, Trees, and Khorvairen adventurers
 990 BarrakasMeet Jhazaali
 990 Barrakas – RhaanTravel from Stormreach looking for goblins of Yellyark
 990 Rhaan – 991 EyreLive with the Biting Ant tribe of goblins
 991 Lharvion – 992 EyreWork with Grandpa Sandal
 991 ArythMeet Professor Gwendolyn Nephret
 991 Vult – 992 ArythStudying at MU campus in Stormreach
 992 VultMeet Professor Ren’dall d’Lyrandar
 992 Vult – 993 ArythLiving with the Umbragen
 992 Vult – 993 NymmFriendships with Gwen, Ren and Jerrold grow while we’re stuck underground
 993 Nymm – ArythMove to the Sanctuary of the Qabalrin in Khyber
 993 ArythGet to ride on Professor Ren’s airship back to Stormreach
 993 VultBrook begins work for Captain Sora’vel
 994 Olarune – DravagoWork with Professor Gwen on multiple papers about the Umbragen
 994 NymmUmbragen: The Shadow Elves of Xen’drik published
 994 LharvionTravel from Stormreach to Sharn
 994 Barrakas – SypherosLectures regarding Umbragen: The Shadow Elves of Xen’drik
 994 RhaanMeet Kat, Jhaani, Sid, and Sim
 994 Rhaan – 997 VultSchool at MU and student life around Sharn
 997 LharvionGo to Malleon’s Gate (bad idea)
 997 VultGet degree
 997 VultMeet Flamewind
 998 ZarantyrGet the Dhakaani crafted, sentient sword, Daelkesh Toreshk (Demon Slayer)
 998 Zarantyr – OlaruneJourney to Darguun (all too brief stop in Korranberg)
 998 Olarune – 999 DravagoTime in Darguun with Kech Volaar
 999 Dravago – NymmJourney back to Sharn
 999 Nymm – RhaanFinishing up writing book on “ancient” Dhakaani culture
 999 RhaanGet PhD
 999 SypherosKech Volaar and the Ancient Clans of Darguun published
 999 Sypheros – ArythLectures and publicity for Kech Volaar and the Ancient Clans of Darguun
 999 Vult – 1000 TherendorJust hangin’ out at MU in Sharn
1000 Therendor – EyreMeet Gortigoth get team together and head to Demon Wastes
1000 Eyre – BarrakasTime from arrival and departing the Demon Wastes
1000 Barrakas – RhaanReturn from Demon Wastes with Jhazaali
1000 Rhaan – 1001 OlaruneWriting and Editing of The Defenders of the Demon Wastes
1001 TherendorThe Defenders of the Demon Wastes published
1001 Therendor – DravagoGhaash’kala book signings and lectures
1001 NymmTravel to Stormhome
1001 NymmNow