Butterfly and Thunder, Makes You Wunder

Aunts Thunder and Butterfly hire out as bodyguards. They contract under House Deneith and do well for themselves. You wouldn’t believe how many VIP types want a twin pair of Tabaxi warrior women escorting them around. It doesn’t hurt that they are both thought to be very beautiful, stand as tall as I do today (6’-6”), and can wrestle a half-giant to the ground. This is where Brook absolutely excelled. She’s the spitting image of the two of them. Well, build-wise. Brook has all white fur (as opposed to my blue/gray) and my aunts have longer length fur that some call tortoiseshell. I did my time with them as well. This was a lot of fun. Dangerous, but fun. Like the time with my mom, I got to meet all sorts of people. Dwarves, Elves (non-Drow), Halflings (they’re a lot of fun BTW), Orcs and Half-Orcs, and Khoravar (that’s how half elves refer to themselves). The difference here is that the ones I got to meet now had resources to spend big money on high-end bodyguards.