Let’s Finish Up the History Lesson from Jhazaali
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Frax, Grabstab, Blah Blah Blah
Uh… Right! Frax. So, the Dhakaani weren’t big magic users. Primarily bardic and artificer stuff but not so much in the pure arcane or divine. This is why Frax was a rarity and was the one sent. He used and had even managed to study a decent level of arcana. So Frax is on Xen’drik with a bunch of other goblins that were sent (not sure why no hobgoblins or bugbears but I think it may have been considered a bit of a suicide mission/hopeless case). However, it does seem that Frax and crew made it since there were no goblins on Xen’drik prior to around that time period. 5000 years is a long time ago though so records could be wrong in this case, but let’s just go with it since it’s what we’ve got. To help Frax on this mission, he was given two artifacts of power from the glorious past of the Dhakaani Empire. A sword (Lux) imbued with a powerful Siberys dragonshard and a helm (the Helm of Volaar) that granted him great powers of leadership, communication, and the ability to speak and read any language. The helm is what Jhazaali and crew are after, but it would be a bonus if Lux could be found as well. So Frax is out and about searching Xen’drik for giantish magics and… that’s it. He never returns.
Now to Queen Grabstab. A member of Kech Volaar, again, this is the tribe/clan that Jhazaali and the others belong to, is doing some mercenary work for Cannith (in the guise of a regular merc from Darguun). He overhears some conversation about a run-in with goblins during an expedition to Xen’drik. He quietly makes some additional inquiries about this story and hears about the stunningly crafted helm that the goblin’s queen wore, as well as her intelligence and eloquence compared to the other primitive goblins on that continent. A few more inquiries and they find out that a Tabaxi by the name of Beans in the Pocket was the expedition’s guide. Bam! Connections made. Obviously, the Helm of Volaar has some significance to Kech Volaar and so the aforementioned hobgoblin spy… I mean mercenary. Ahem. He returns to his Kech and reports all of this and the Kech sends Jhazaali off to see if it’s possible that the helm has survived.