Professor Gwendolyn and I Write a Book
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Aryth, 993 – Nymm, 994 YK
Over the next few months Gwen and I work on getting our notes together and writing a few papers to be published and I actually get included as a coauthor due to my “creative and intellectual contribution to the work.” The first three were huge successes (Gwen is a much better writer than I am, but I do take extensive and detailed notes) and she’s asked repeatedly to return to Sharn to speak. She says no for now but it’s now on her future agenda. As we start on our fourth paper Gwen decides we should actually take the time to publish the whole as a book rather than the individual papers. We do. We confer some with Professor Ren’dall and he and Jerrold come up with chapters that go into more depth regarding their shadow magics (without it being a book of actual arcana of course). It’s simply titled, Umbragen: The Shadow Elves of Xen’drik, and it goes over very well both within the Xen’drik obsessed university and beyond (we even made the best seller list). This is when Professor Gwendolyn Nephret decides to head back to Sharn with her trusty student (and coauthor – don’t forget coauthor), me.