Off to Wroat

Gort wants to head out ASAP but I need to get my stuff and tell people I’m going to be gone. I ask him for two days. He’s not thrilled with the timeline but accepts it. Two days later we’re on the lightningrail to Wroat. It’s about a seven-hour trip but Gort had us on the 5 AM, so we get into the capitol early in the afternoon. During the trip, I convinced Gort to teach me a few conversational basics in Orc and I taught him a proper greeting for him to use when meeting this “great smith of…

Some Brief Thoughts on the Volaar

I spent a little over a year with the Volaar and can attest to their incredible skill with stone, steel, and any number of rarer substances. The Volaar have been away from “our” world for many years but they have sages as intelligent as any I have found within Morgrave. They are fully devoted to their Empire and this goes beyond their families, their friends, and themselves as individuals. Within Kech Volaar, and the little bit I’d seen of Kech Shaarat (Bladebearers) this is unwavering and is true for each and every member. This differs from the general goblinoids of…

Ja’shaarat—There ARE Better Vacation Spots

Zarantyr, 998 YK Getting through Malleon’s Gate and the Cogs with this crew was not a problem. A minor scuffle here and there but Goth and Maasha were Dhakaani stock with all the training that went with it and proved themselves completely capable against some of the riffraff that thought they might be able to take us. Once we were past that we really didn’t have any issues. We found Ja’shaarat, at least the outskirts, and managed to acquire some artifacts that I know Prof. Galrith would love to get his hands on, but was sworn to silence about them…

A Brief History of Goblinoid Culture on Ancient Khorvaire

The Dhakaani Empire was a massive goblinoid nation that dominated most of Khorvaire over a period extending from about 15,000 years ago to about 5000 years ago. They fought a war against invaders from Xoriat, the plane of madness, called the Daelkyr. They joined forces with a group of Orc druids that would become called the Gatekeepers. This war raged on for millennia and the Daelkyr were eventually defeated by the combined forces of the Dhakaani Empire and the Gatekeepers. However, the war exhausted the resources of goblins. The Daelkyr were thousands of years into their fight with the incredible…