As opposed to the human-like business of Lyran’s, this place feels like the one place untouched by breeze or busy-buzzing in the whole of Stormhome. There’s a distinct sense if only brought on by the many eyes watching my Not-Khoravar-Self, of being watched and weighed. Honestly, this is something I get all over Khorvaire, so it doesn’t bother me at all. The incense is heavy and seems to form clouds at the top of the dome. It is peaceful, if foreboding, wary, warning, like a still ocean on a cloudy day. I take a little time to watch the candles…
Ghaash Dar: Stronghold of the Clans
The four Ghaash’kala clans normally don’t interact much but Ghaash Daar is an exception. The guardians and priests of the various clans make frequent pilgrimages here as part of their worship of Kalok Shash, the Binding Flame. Due to its importance, Ghaash Dar is also the most populous and best defended of the Ghaash’kala’s enclaves. It is a veritable city unto itself, connected to the Labyrinth by an astonishing number of smaller tunnels. Gort is a member of the Vaanka clan. Vaanka cover their Clan Hold in carvings which tell the story of the Ghaash’kala and extoll the virtues of…
Rites of Ascension to Adulthood – Day 8
Battle, Blood, and Nudity