A New Book and Another Degree

Nymm – Aryth, 999 YK My return to Sharn was nice. Kat had graduated and was gone but she had left a letter and a couple more had piled up since her leaving two months prior. It was unlikely she’d be returning to Khorvaire for a few decades (elves) and we had both discussed the fact that we would likely move on without one another for a long while. No surprise there but we are still friends and write when we can. Gwen was still at Shava House but was setting to leave for Valenar within the week. Sid and…

Some Brief Thoughts on the Volaar

I spent a little over a year with the Volaar and can attest to their incredible skill with stone, steel, and any number of rarer substances. The Volaar have been away from “our” world for many years but they have sages as intelligent as any I have found within Morgrave. They are fully devoted to their Empire and this goes beyond their families, their friends, and themselves as individuals. Within Kech Volaar, and the little bit I’d seen of Kech Shaarat (Bladebearers) this is unwavering and is true for each and every member. This differs from the general goblinoids of…

Volaar Draal, the Wordbearers, and the Sword

Olarune, 998 – Dravago, 999 YK Volaar Draal is a small city of under 10,000 inhabitants. It is carved into the Seawall Mountains and has been here for thousands of years. It is here that I finally meet Jhazaali’s clan, Kech Volaar, or the “Wordbearers.” Kech Volaar are the keepers of the lore of the ancient Dhakaani Empire, and though one of the smallest Kechs, its armorers and stonemasons are unmatched in all of Darguun, and possibly all of Khorvaire. This great skill has allowed their fortifications to hold against more aggressive clans. Again, the Dhakaani clans have isolated themselves…

Off to Darguun

Zarantyr – Olarune, 998 YK It becomes apparent that Jhazaali has a good deal of resources. She gets us (Goth and Maasha included) to Zilargo on an elemental galleon at which point we’re to board a regular galleon to get the rest of the way to Darguun. The elemental galleon is called the Sea Tiger and its captain is Etrigan d’Lyrandar. I hear that they had last come from Xen’drik so I make a couple inquiries about Brook. As coincidence would have it, Captain Sora’vel was in Stormreach at the same time as the Sea Tiger and Captain Etrigan actually…

Darguun and My Time with Kech Volaar

I do go to Darguun with Jhazaali but not before getting things settled in Sharn first. Goodbyes to friends and professors proceed. I get my thesis plan put together with a very envious Prof. Galrith. And finally, I say my goodbyes to Kat. We spend as much time as possible together but it’s a tight timeline. I honestly don’t know how long I’ll be gone, and she’s set to graduate this next year with plans to return to Aerenal soon after. This could be the last we see of each other for a while, so we make sure to make…

Shava House, Speaking, and Studies

Barrakas – Sypheros, 994 YK The first week is a whirlwind tour of the Morgrave University (MU) campus with speaking engagements at some of the lecture halls there and even one evening’s “talk” at the Ten Torches Theater in the Torchlight district. This was fun, embarrassing, and a great introduction to one of my favorite places to go in Sharn on a weekend evening. It turns out that some theater students at MU put together a musical comedy based on some of the more story-like entries in our book, which apparently is closer to what my writing is like as…

The Tabaxi and the Goblins – My Time in Yellyark

Rhaan, 990 – Eyre, 991 YK So, the Helm of Volaar will be handed over after lot of gems and various metal weapons and shields are handed over. Done. Plus, Jhazaali, Duusha, Valii, and I have to stay with the village for a period of approximately seven months to teach the Biting Ants about battle (more the Dhakaani’s job), Xen’drik outside of the general area of the village (my job), and whatever they may ask about. I’ll get to some of that a little later. But first, some general info on living in Yellyark. Though we’d been wandering the jungle…