An End to the Darkness, and Our Time with the Umbragen

Not long after that invasion our time with the Umbragen comes to an end. We take the days long trip out of the underground and see true sunlight for the first time in almost a year. It’s so bright it hurts the eyes, but I can’t help but stare around at the giant trees and ferns until my eyes water. The sound of the birds and wind are a blessing you never even think about. The underground world of the Umbragen is fascinating but I will forever prefer the aboveground world of sunlight and wind, moonlight and rain. Shortly before…

We Prove that We are Not Completely Pitiful

We were into month eleven and there had been Daelkyr incursions getting closer to the area where we were housed. One night (yes, they do have reference to night and day and it actually corresponds to time above ground at the Ring of Storms) one of the incursions broke through the sanctuary lines and we became involved. As it turns out, Prof. Ren is quite good at spell-slinging and even the Umbragen were impressed with his skill. Jerrold is good at what he does, but he’s not heavy on the combat-oriented spells. He did have a nice little cantrip he’d…

So, this is Khyber

Nymm – Aryth, 993 YK Finally, about six months in, we are transported deeper into their holdings. We enter Khyber proper and this gives all of us the chills to a degree. Being underground all the time is bad enough, but once you pass whatever serves as the border to Khyber things get oppressive. The screams of Daelkyr can be heard sometimes (at least that’s what they said it was) and there is a pervasive sense of dread that permeates everything. They take us all the way to the Sanctuary of the Qabalrin and here the sense of dread recedes…

I Befriend a Lyrandar Bigwig

Vult, 992 – Nymm, 993 YK So, we “inferiors” are initially allowed very little space to roam around but it’s new and different so I’m okay with it. For a while. It does start to wear on me. We were underground and there were not a whole lot of people other than us. It did mean I got to know Professor Ren’dall, Jerrold, and Gwen fairly well. However, the information exchange with the Umbragen was mostly one-way initially. Usually, they would show up to our living area, ask a bunch of questions, pull Prof. Ren’dall and Jerrold away and then…

Getting into College Isn’t That Difficult

Aryth, 991 YK After learning and helping in the library, gramps helps me branch out some by introducing me to other scholars in Stormreach. Along with his work for the Lassites, it seems that Sandal is also a research asset and adjunct professor at Morgrave University’s satellite campus in Stormreach. This when I meet Gwendolyn Nephret, the professor from Sharn I mentioned previously. This intro, and my ability to impress Professor Gwen with info on the goblins, etc. is also how I became a student at Morgrave University (MU). This began with a two-year study program at the Xen’drik campus…