The Creepiest Port on Khorvaire

Bloodcliff Bay. From here the Labyrinth of the Demon Wastes opens up. This is likely the closest thing to a “safe” harbor. The water, however, is tainted with a reddish substance the Ghaash’kala call taarik’urrva, which means “rosy molasses” in their tongue. Fitting because the stuff is viscous and sticky, like syrup, but deceptively dangerous, like a rose. Any creature falling into these waters is certain to exhaust itself and drown. Ships become mired here as if they ran aground, depending on the consistency of the “blood.” Some shipwrecks, decades-old, have not completely sunk, despite their crews being long dead.…

Another Boat Ride – Elemental but Not Lyrandar

Eyre – Barrakas, 1000 YK It’s late by the time the discussion is finished so we spend the night in Wroat and hop the first train back to Sharn in the morning. Gort and Jhazaali make plans for us to get on a ship headed to the Shadow Marches for a supply drop and pickup of dragonshards. I’m am blessed to be traveling with people with the resources for this sort of travel because I know I could never afford it on my own. It turns out to be an elemental galleon but not one owned or operated by House…