The Tabaxi and the Goblins – My Time in Yellyark

Rhaan, 990 – Eyre, 991 YK So, the Helm of Volaar will be handed over after lot of gems and various metal weapons and shields are handed over. Done. Plus, Jhazaali, Duusha, Valii, and I have to stay with the village for a period of approximately seven months to teach the Biting Ants about battle (more the Dhakaani’s job), Xen’drik outside of the general area of the village (my job), and whatever they may ask about. I’ll get to some of that a little later. But first, some general info on living in Yellyark. Though we’d been wandering the jungle…

I Become an Integral Part of a Negotiation Between Goblins

Those of us that were to appear before the Queen are told… asked to remove all weapons. They even want Vanii’s component pouch, which he is not happy about at all. We give everything to our companions who will be staying outside and then proceed in. The hut is filled with about a dozen goblin warriors wearing painted masks resembling ants. Cool! And there at the other end is an intricately carved wooden throne. Upon the throne sat Queen Grabstab. She was larger than any of the other goblins we’d seen here. Larger in every way. I’m pretty sure the…

The Goblin Village of Yellyark

We Find Yellyark and the Biting Ant Tribe

So, I gave a little rundown on Yellyark and their flying village (flinging village???) We find it and those goblins find us. Dad, Trees, and Valii had scouted ahead enough that they thought they had triangulated where the village should be (they were correct). They returned and we all proceeded toward the village. About 100 yards out a small group of goblin warriors, with primitive armor and weapons, confronted us. It was obvious that there were many more hidden in the jungle around us, but that just seems prudent on their part as we were a pretty decent-sized group. Jhazaali…

Let’s Finish Up the History Lesson from Jhazaali

Frax, Grabstab, Blah Blah Blah Uh… Right! Frax. So, the Dhakaani weren’t big magic users. Primarily bardic and artificer stuff but not so much in the pure arcane or divine. This is why Frax was a rarity and was the one sent. He used and had even managed to study a decent level of arcana. So Frax is on Xen’drik with a bunch of other goblins that were sent (not sure why no hobgoblins or bugbears but I think it may have been considered a bit of a suicide mission/hopeless case). However, it does seem that Frax and crew made…