Sidenote on Honor and Duty, Atcha and Muut Amongst the Dhakaani

I do want to talk briefly about Jhazaali’s comment to me at this point, “Paatcha!” See, muut and atcha are key concepts in Dhakaani culture. It used to be for all goblinoids, but the loss of this during the Daelkyr corruption millennia ago is why the Heirs of Dhakaan locked themselves away for so long. Dhakaani culture revolves around the concepts of muut and atcha. Muut is essentially about the honor of the Empire and can be roughly translated as duty; atcha is personal honor. The most common form of thanks is ta muut, essentially “You do your duty.” Meanwhile…

A Brief History of Goblinoid Culture on Ancient Khorvaire

The Dhakaani Empire was a massive goblinoid nation that dominated most of Khorvaire over a period extending from about 15,000 years ago to about 5000 years ago. They fought a war against invaders from Xoriat, the plane of madness, called the Daelkyr. They joined forces with a group of Orc druids that would become called the Gatekeepers. This war raged on for millennia and the Daelkyr were eventually defeated by the combined forces of the Dhakaani Empire and the Gatekeepers. However, the war exhausted the resources of goblins. The Daelkyr were thousands of years into their fight with the incredible…