Should I Stay or Should I Go

The next day was a full explanation of the trial. It wasn’t really going to take as long as I thought it would since it was a simple set of ritualistic spells of divination and divine fire magic. These would mark us as clean, and we were free to leave, or they would burn our heart out of our chest. Wait! What?!? By the Gods it would be nice to get info like that before you head off on an adventure. I guess that’s what adventuring is about though. Unexpected highs, unexpected lows, and unexpected, tortuously painful death. I guess…

Ghaash Dar: Stronghold of the Clans

The four Ghaash’kala clans normally don’t interact much but Ghaash Daar is an exception. The guardians and priests of the various clans make frequent pilgrimages here as part of their worship of Kalok Shash, the Binding Flame. Due to its importance, Ghaash Dar is also the most populous and best defended of the Ghaash’kala’s enclaves. It is a veritable city unto itself, connected to the Labyrinth by an astonishing number of smaller tunnels. Gort is a member of the Vaanka clan. Vaanka cover their Clan Hold in carvings which tell the story of the Ghaash’kala and extoll the virtues of…

Off to Wroat

Gort wants to head out ASAP but I need to get my stuff and tell people I’m going to be gone. I ask him for two days. He’s not thrilled with the timeline but accepts it. Two days later we’re on the lightningrail to Wroat. It’s about a seven-hour trip but Gort had us on the 5 AM, so we get into the capitol early in the afternoon. During the trip, I convinced Gort to teach me a few conversational basics in Orc and I taught him a proper greeting for him to use when meeting this “great smith of…