Orcs? Yeah, I’m Interested

Therendor – Eyre, 1000 YK Gortigoth the Hand is one of the Ghaash’kala, “Ghost Guardians,” of the Demon Wastes. An Orc kala’sha (paladin) of Kalok Shash, the Binding Flame. To the rest of Khorvaire, it is more widely known as the Silver Flame. Gortigoth, or Gort, was looking for a Dhakaani smith who had been shown to him in a vision. He’d been to Darguun but had no luck there as the true Dhakaani were not very open about who and where they were and Lhesh Haruuc’s new nation wasn’t too keen on outsiders poking around to find groups that…

Some Brief Thoughts on the Volaar

I spent a little over a year with the Volaar and can attest to their incredible skill with stone, steel, and any number of rarer substances. The Volaar have been away from “our” world for many years but they have sages as intelligent as any I have found within Morgrave. They are fully devoted to their Empire and this goes beyond their families, their friends, and themselves as individuals. Within Kech Volaar, and the little bit I’d seen of Kech Shaarat (Bladebearers) this is unwavering and is true for each and every member. This differs from the general goblinoids of…

Off to Darguun

Zarantyr – Olarune, 998 YK It becomes apparent that Jhazaali has a good deal of resources. She gets us (Goth and Maasha included) to Zilargo on an elemental galleon at which point we’re to board a regular galleon to get the rest of the way to Darguun. The elemental galleon is called the Sea Tiger and its captain is Etrigan d’Lyrandar. I hear that they had last come from Xen’drik so I make a couple inquiries about Brook. As coincidence would have it, Captain Sora’vel was in Stormreach at the same time as the Sea Tiger and Captain Etrigan actually…