Alright, time to go check out the docks. Similar to the Airship Tower, I see Crows circling for safety, though here most of the tugboating is done by, well, real boats. A crew of Lizardfolk is talking in Draconic, shouting here-and-there, keeping an eye on the boats from the waterside and docks, and a few braver souls crouch or lay on pathing and rock-buoys. The Crows mostly appear to be circling and watching for things or accidents further to sea. Here and there I see people drop things overboard, at which point a Lizardfolk will hop into the water and…
Vacation in Stormhome: Around Highwash > Pinnacle > Belgeth
I head over to the Belgeth district in Pinnacle to browse the shops some. All sorts of stuff to look at here with a lot of rare and interesting things scattered about. Pricy stuff so I’m pretty much only looking. The good thing is, we Tabaxi are rare on Khorvaire (rhymes 🙂 and I’ve got decent enough clothes that I’m not immediately kicked out. I keep my eye out for anything that might possibly be from the Dhakaani period and to see if they’ve got any Xen’drikan wares. As far as the Xen’drikan stuff, I would be thrilled to find…