Off to Stormhome

Nymm, 1001 YK The airship was great. Once again, the Captain, Captain Ter’ral d’Lyrandar, had met my sister. Apparently, she was on Khorvaire briefly (that reminds me, I really need to write to her). Her great work, and hopefully my semi-sparkling personality, had me eating at the captain’s table for the trip’s duration. A Lyrandar airship over Khorvaire airspace is pretty safe and this trip goes without issue. Well, there was another passenger that I found annoying, but a grumpy Kundarak who thinks everyone on the ship should be there to serve his every whim would likely get on anyone’s…

Time for a Vacation

That’s right! As fun as the trip back with Jhazaali was, there was still some overthinking about the nightmare that is the Wastes going on in my head. MU definitely wanted me to take a position as an Assistant Professor now, but I decided it was time to take some time away from academics and just go experience the real world. Yes, Umbragen, Dhakaani, and Ghaash’kala are very real, but they are not day-to-day Khorvairen or Xen’drikan real. I did take an adjunct professor position and taught one short-session class before I left. Since I’d also made a decent amount…

Another Boat Ride – Elemental but Not Lyrandar

Eyre – Barrakas, 1000 YK It’s late by the time the discussion is finished so we spend the night in Wroat and hop the first train back to Sharn in the morning. Gort and Jhazaali make plans for us to get on a ship headed to the Shadow Marches for a supply drop and pickup of dragonshards. I’m am blessed to be traveling with people with the resources for this sort of travel because I know I could never afford it on my own. It turns out to be an elemental galleon but not one owned or operated by House…

Off to Darguun

Zarantyr – Olarune, 998 YK It becomes apparent that Jhazaali has a good deal of resources. She gets us (Goth and Maasha included) to Zilargo on an elemental galleon at which point we’re to board a regular galleon to get the rest of the way to Darguun. The elemental galleon is called the Sea Tiger and its captain is Etrigan d’Lyrandar. I hear that they had last come from Xen’drik so I make a couple inquiries about Brook. As coincidence would have it, Captain Sora’vel was in Stormreach at the same time as the Sea Tiger and Captain Etrigan actually…

I Go to Malleon’s Gate—Yes it was a Stupid Idea

Lharvion, 997 YK There really is SO much I could talk about in Sharn. Suffice it to say I got around most of Upper, Middle and Lower Menthis. Never got up to Skyway. Found a few of the different shrines to the Traveler and paid my respects. Had some interviews with adventurers from the Wayfinder’s Guild who wanted info on Xen’drik. I gave them my dad’s info and apparently, he turned a pretty copper getting them around with their treasure hunting there. I met a Droaamite expatriate, an Ogre named Karg. He was at MU studying Xen’drikan history and I…

To Sharn and Beyo… No, Just to Sharn

Lharvion, 994 YK The University is happy about Gwen’s decision and arranges for our transport on a Lyrandar galleon (a non-flying one this time) and has rooms prepped for us at Shava House. I briefly mentioned it before, but a little more info: Shava House has developed into more of an intentional community: the residents share meals heavily laden with academic discourse, and generally share an interest in the history of Xen’drik (Baker & Wyatt, Sharn: City of Towers, 2004). Two weeks and some sad goodbyes to friends and family later and we’re off to Sharn. Unlike on the airship,…

Back to Stormreach and Back to My Studies

Near the end of day three, we make it back to Stormreach. This is also cool to see from above and we proceed to dock at Falconer’s Spire. The Winds Pleasure was going to be in town for about a week for the crew to get some R&R and for them to get their cargo loaded before heading back to Khorvaire. Gwen, Jerrold, and I head to the university to lock up our notes and several little artifacts that we’d gained (various mineral and flora samples from Khyber). That done, we all say our goodbyes and start heading off to…

As Below, So Above — Xen’drik is Dangerous

The next day was going smoothly until the late afternoon. I was enjoying the scenery with Gwen and Jerrold and the skies were just opening up from the daily rain shower. That’s when we hear a shout from the crow’s nest “Sun-side attack! Looks to be two wyverns!” Oh boy. I run over to that side and can just make them out as one crashes into the crow’s nest and quickly sends the watchman flying out with a slash of its claws. The crew quickly takes up arms and begins to defend the ship as best they can, but the…

I’m Flying! Well, I’m Riding in Something that’s Flying

Aryth, 993 YK True to his word, the Professor’s airship was there waiting. Not that I’d really know, but The Wind’s Pleasure (the airship in question) was a beautiful-looking craft. Prof. Ren greeted the captain, Captain Sora’vel, as an old friend and introduced each of us in a way that was actually respectful (not that it should be anything else after our time, but I sometimes wonder about how the rich and powerful may act when around others of their status). Obviously, I had no reason to worry about Professor Ren’dall (and I’m a little sorry about calling him an…

An End to the Darkness, and Our Time with the Umbragen

Not long after that invasion our time with the Umbragen comes to an end. We take the days long trip out of the underground and see true sunlight for the first time in almost a year. It’s so bright it hurts the eyes, but I can’t help but stare around at the giant trees and ferns until my eyes water. The sound of the birds and wind are a blessing you never even think about. The underground world of the Umbragen is fascinating but I will forever prefer the aboveground world of sunlight and wind, moonlight and rain. Shortly before…

I Befriend a Lyrandar Bigwig

Vult, 992 – Nymm, 993 YK So, we “inferiors” are initially allowed very little space to roam around but it’s new and different so I’m okay with it. For a while. It does start to wear on me. We were underground and there were not a whole lot of people other than us. It did mean I got to know Professor Ren’dall, Jerrold, and Gwen fairly well. However, the information exchange with the Umbragen was mostly one-way initially. Usually, they would show up to our living area, ask a bunch of questions, pull Prof. Ren’dall and Jerrold away and then…