As opposed to the human-like business of Lyran’s, this place feels like the one place untouched by breeze or busy-buzzing in the whole of Stormhome. There’s a distinct sense if only brought on by the many eyes watching my Not-Khoravar-Self, of being watched and weighed. Honestly, this is something I get all over Khorvaire, so it doesn’t bother me at all. The incense is heavy and seems to form clouds at the top of the dome. It is peaceful, if foreboding, wary, warning, like a still ocean on a cloudy day. I take a little time to watch the candles…
Vacation in Stormhome: Around Highwash > Matriarch > Lyran’s Hall
I head over to the Matriarch Ward to check out Lyran’s Hall. It’s busy and crowded as the Ten Torches on Wildnight, and most people are there to talk business. Here and there, past scheduling and crewing, past supplies and weather forecasts, I catch snippets of “extraplanar expansion” and “Whole-building relocation”, but nobody answers me when I ask what those are, or how they’re supposed to be accomplished. Rude. Nonetheless, this goes into my “interesting things to follow-up on when you get done roaming about acting like an adventurer,” file. The frescoes and enchanted images and statues, however, are beautiful,…