Ja’shaarat—There ARE Better Vacation Spots

Zarantyr, 998 YK Getting through Malleon’s Gate and the Cogs with this crew was not a problem. A minor scuffle here and there but Goth and Maasha were Dhakaani stock with all the training that went with it and proved themselves completely capable against some of the riffraff that thought they might be able to take us. Once we were past that we really didn’t have any issues. We found Ja’shaarat, at least the outskirts, and managed to acquire some artifacts that I know Prof. Galrith would love to get his hands on, but was sworn to silence about them…

I Get a Degree and Then Get Convinced to Go for More

Vult, 997 YK With the end of my final semester coming up I was deep into studying for finals and had gotten a little put off my search for Ja’shaarat (it’s a wonder what getting stabbed can do to your resolve). I was thinking about finding Jhazaali but didn’t really have the time, so I just hoped she’d still be around after graduation. Finals went well and graduation night was a blast. Kat had another year left at MU but Jhanni and Sid graduated as well. The whole area of Upper Menthis Plateau (where MU resides) was opened up and…