Vacation in Stormhome: Around Highwash > Rose Ward > Raincaller’s Guildhall

There is a museum-like tour of the most basic techniques in the bottom of the spires, and most of the tourists here for the upcoming Summer Festival are quite satisfied with the explanations presented, even if they’re simplistic and rather hand-wavey about the details. When I ask the tour guide some detailed questions, they say they’re “not qualified” to answer my questions, and if I would like to submit a letter that might be answered with your questions, the box is over there, just need to leave my address. After the tour I head out through the gift shop where…

Vacation in Stormhome: Around Highwash > Rose Ward > Moonstand Academy

Feeling like I need a dose of academics, I head over to Moonstand Academy. I introduce myself and they are very welcoming. They’re also very eager to talk all things Xen’drik. I, on the other hand, want to talk about meteorology and this leads back to Xen’drik oddly enough. Apparently, they have been intending to set up a “Meteorological Datacenter” to observe the “Potential Unique Patterns over the Southern Continent” and that much of their inquiry into the “Southern Hemisphere” has been blocked by zoning issues by the locals. They ask me if there are any particularly high or mountainous…