Back to Sharn, Again & a New Book, Again.

Barrakas, 1000 – Dravago, 1001 YK We made it back to Bloodcliff Bay and got a ride back to Zarash’ak. Our orc escorts had given us a fair amount of gold that they said should help us get back to Sharn. It was plenty, so I was surprised when the tickets Jhazaali got us were for an extended trip on a non-elemental ship. She made some comment about even Dhakaani needing the occasional break and so we had a very pleasant, if I do say so myself, journey back to Sharn. I did spend more than a year with Jhazaali…

A New Book and Another Degree

Nymm – Aryth, 999 YK My return to Sharn was nice. Kat had graduated and was gone but she had left a letter and a couple more had piled up since her leaving two months prior. It was unlikely she’d be returning to Khorvaire for a few decades (elves) and we had both discussed the fact that we would likely move on without one another for a long while. No surprise there but we are still friends and write when we can. Gwen was still at Shava House but was setting to leave for Valenar within the week. Sid and…

I Get a Degree and Then Get Convinced to Go for More

Vult, 997 YK With the end of my final semester coming up I was deep into studying for finals and had gotten a little put off my search for Ja’shaarat (it’s a wonder what getting stabbed can do to your resolve). I was thinking about finding Jhazaali but didn’t really have the time, so I just hoped she’d still be around after graduation. Finals went well and graduation night was a blast. Kat had another year left at MU but Jhanni and Sid graduated as well. The whole area of Upper Menthis Plateau (where MU resides) was opened up and…

I Go to Malleon’s Gate—Yes it was a Stupid Idea

Lharvion, 997 YK There really is SO much I could talk about in Sharn. Suffice it to say I got around most of Upper, Middle and Lower Menthis. Never got up to Skyway. Found a few of the different shrines to the Traveler and paid my respects. Had some interviews with adventurers from the Wayfinder’s Guild who wanted info on Xen’drik. I gave them my dad’s info and apparently, he turned a pretty copper getting them around with their treasure hunting there. I met a Droaamite expatriate, an Ogre named Karg. He was at MU studying Xen’drikan history and I…

Shava House, Speaking, and Studies

Barrakas – Sypheros, 994 YK The first week is a whirlwind tour of the Morgrave University (MU) campus with speaking engagements at some of the lecture halls there and even one evening’s “talk” at the Ten Torches Theater in the Torchlight district. This was fun, embarrassing, and a great introduction to one of my favorite places to go in Sharn on a weekend evening. It turns out that some theater students at MU put together a musical comedy based on some of the more story-like entries in our book, which apparently is closer to what my writing is like as…

To Sharn and Beyo… No, Just to Sharn

Lharvion, 994 YK The University is happy about Gwen’s decision and arranges for our transport on a Lyrandar galleon (a non-flying one this time) and has rooms prepped for us at Shava House. I briefly mentioned it before, but a little more info: Shava House has developed into more of an intentional community: the residents share meals heavily laden with academic discourse, and generally share an interest in the history of Xen’drik (Baker & Wyatt, Sharn: City of Towers, 2004). Two weeks and some sad goodbyes to friends and family later and we’re off to Sharn. Unlike on the airship,…

I Befriend a Lyrandar Bigwig

Vult, 992 – Nymm, 993 YK So, we “inferiors” are initially allowed very little space to roam around but it’s new and different so I’m okay with it. For a while. It does start to wear on me. We were underground and there were not a whole lot of people other than us. It did mean I got to know Professor Ren’dall, Jerrold, and Gwen fairly well. However, the information exchange with the Umbragen was mostly one-way initially. Usually, they would show up to our living area, ask a bunch of questions, pull Prof. Ren’dall and Jerrold away and then…