I head over to the Belgeth district in Pinnacle to browse the shops some. All sorts of stuff to look at here with a lot of rare and interesting things scattered about. Pricy stuff so I’m pretty much only looking. The good thing is, we Tabaxi are rare on Khorvaire (rhymes 🙂 and I’ve got decent enough clothes that I’m not immediately kicked out. I keep my eye out for anything that might possibly be from the Dhakaani period and to see if they’ve got any Xen’drikan wares. As far as the Xen’drikan stuff, I would be thrilled to find…
Time for a Vacation
That’s right! As fun as the trip back with Jhazaali was, there was still some overthinking about the nightmare that is the Wastes going on in my head. MU definitely wanted me to take a position as an Assistant Professor now, but I decided it was time to take some time away from academics and just go experience the real world. Yes, Umbragen, Dhakaani, and Ghaash’kala are very real, but they are not day-to-day Khorvairen or Xen’drikan real. I did take an adjunct professor position and taught one short-session class before I left. Since I’d also made a decent amount…