Vacation in Stormhome: Around Cliffwash > Dawnside > Theaters

Head on over to the theater district to see what they got goin’ on here. There are a few and each has a little something different. Some stuff I’ve seen in Sharn so I take note of the ones I haven’t: one actually bills a Xen’drikan myth, one a Lhazaar pirate romance, and one a Phiarlan classic tragedy that is famous for its effects. All of them serve food inside, though as I look at the menu I notice none of the food is crunchy or particularly smelly. If only Sharn had the same considerations. Well, that Xen’drikan tale sounds…

Vacation in Stormhome: Around Highwash > Rose Ward > Raincaller’s Guildhall

There is a museum-like tour of the most basic techniques in the bottom of the spires, and most of the tourists here for the upcoming Summer Festival are quite satisfied with the explanations presented, even if they’re simplistic and rather hand-wavey about the details. When I ask the tour guide some detailed questions, they say they’re “not qualified” to answer my questions, and if I would like to submit a letter that might be answered with your questions, the box is over there, just need to leave my address. After the tour I head out through the gift shop where…

Vacation in Stormhome: Around Highwash > Rose Ward > Moonstand Academy

Feeling like I need a dose of academics, I head over to Moonstand Academy. I introduce myself and they are very welcoming. They’re also very eager to talk all things Xen’drik. I, on the other hand, want to talk about meteorology and this leads back to Xen’drik oddly enough. Apparently, they have been intending to set up a “Meteorological Datacenter” to observe the “Potential Unique Patterns over the Southern Continent” and that much of their inquiry into the “Southern Hemisphere” has been blocked by zoning issues by the locals. They ask me if there are any particularly high or mountainous…

Vacation in Stormhome: Around Highwash > Matriarch > Selvash’s Hall

As opposed to the human-like business of Lyran’s, this place feels like the one place untouched by breeze or busy-buzzing in the whole of Stormhome. There’s a distinct sense if only brought on by the many eyes watching my Not-Khoravar-Self, of being watched and weighed. Honestly, this is something I get all over Khorvaire, so it doesn’t bother me at all. The incense is heavy and seems to form clouds at the top of the dome. It is peaceful, if foreboding, wary, warning, like a still ocean on a cloudy day. I take a little time to watch the candles…

Vacation in Stormhome: Around Highwash > Pinnacle > Ruins

Headed over to check out the old Gatekeeper ruins in Pinnacle. They are peculiar and very old, and beautiful. I think some of the symbols I see on them are similar to ones I saw in the Cave Heart of Ghaash Dar when I was in the Demon Wastes. More peculiar is that as soon as the symbols catch my eye, they’re gone again. They make my Mark from the testing ritattotual tingle, once, the first time I touch one of them. After that, I can’t make it tingle again by touching any other ruin, nor the same one again.…

Vacation in Stormhome: Around Highwash > Pinnacle > Belgeth

I head over to the Belgeth district in Pinnacle to browse the shops some. All sorts of stuff to look at here with a lot of rare and interesting things scattered about. Pricy stuff so I’m pretty much only looking. The good thing is, we Tabaxi are rare on Khorvaire (rhymes 🙂 and I’ve got decent enough clothes that I’m not immediately kicked out. I keep my eye out for anything that might possibly be from the Dhakaani period and to see if they’ve got any Xen’drikan wares. As far as the Xen’drikan stuff, I would be thrilled to find…

Off to Stormhome

Nymm, 1001 YK The airship was great. Once again, the Captain, Captain Ter’ral d’Lyrandar, had met my sister. Apparently, she was on Khorvaire briefly (that reminds me, I really need to write to her). Her great work, and hopefully my semi-sparkling personality, had me eating at the captain’s table for the trip’s duration. A Lyrandar airship over Khorvaire airspace is pretty safe and this trip goes without issue. Well, there was another passenger that I found annoying, but a grumpy Kundarak who thinks everyone on the ship should be there to serve his every whim would likely get on anyone’s…

Time for a Vacation

That’s right! As fun as the trip back with Jhazaali was, there was still some overthinking about the nightmare that is the Wastes going on in my head. MU definitely wanted me to take a position as an Assistant Professor now, but I decided it was time to take some time away from academics and just go experience the real world. Yes, Umbragen, Dhakaani, and Ghaash’kala are very real, but they are not day-to-day Khorvairen or Xen’drikan real. I did take an adjunct professor position and taught one short-session class before I left. Since I’d also made a decent amount…