Back to Stormreach and Back to My Studies

Near the end of day three, we make it back to Stormreach. This is also cool to see from above and we proceed to dock at Falconer’s Spire. The Winds Pleasure was going to be in town for about a week for the crew to get some R&R and for them to get their cargo loaded before heading back to Khorvaire. Gwen, Jerrold, and I head to the university to lock up our notes and several little artifacts that we’d gained (various mineral and flora samples from Khyber). That done, we all say our goodbyes and start heading off to…

Geez, My Aunts Know How to Keep a Person Busy

That’s Right, I Said Zapoo I also got to help with guarding a Lyrandar captain, a halfling merchant who was transporting a few wagons full of expensive textiles from the dyeworks to his ship, and a couple Tairnadal elves who were in town to meet with a clan member of theirs named Zapoo. I’d heard of him and even got to read a couple of his essays, later on, that talked of his adventures in Xen’drik. A little contrived but a decent read. Wish I’d gotten a chance to talk to him, but I didn’t know about his writings until…

My Continuing Work with Butterfly and Thunder

Half-Orcs are Tough Cool and Aereni are Creepy Cool The elves we worked for were from Aerenal and had those skeleton tattoos on their faces. They were doin’ some negotiating with House Tharashk for some Siberys dragonshards and I got to see Ront again. I also got to hear a bit of the negotiations while standin’ around watching out for any funny biz. The Aereni are an odd lot. Sorry I haven’t gotten a chance to head over there and learn more about ‘em, but one day.

Butterfly, Thunder, and a Bar Fight

A Dragonmarked House Can Get Away with Murder The half-orcs from House Tharashk didn’t seem like they needed bodyguards but that’s when I learned it’s always good to have locals with you in a fight. See, the half-orcs, Ront, Shrump, and Myev, were from Khorvaire and weren’t always the friendliest crew. One night we escorted them to the Wavecrest Tavern since they’d heard about the weekly arm-wrestling tournament there. Thunder and Butterfly take up positions on either side of the room where they can keep their eyes on things. I’m told to rove around the room, also keeping an eye…

Butterfly and Thunder, Makes You Wunder

Aunts Thunder and Butterfly hire out as bodyguards. They contract under House Deneith and do well for themselves. You wouldn’t believe how many VIP types want a twin pair of Tabaxi warrior women escorting them around. It doesn’t hurt that they are both thought to be very beautiful, stand as tall as I do today (6’-6”), and can wrestle a half-giant to the ground. This is where Brook absolutely excelled. She’s the spitting image of the two of them. Well, build-wise. Brook has all white fur (as opposed to my blue/gray) and my aunts have longer length fur that some…