The Goblin Village of Yellyark

We Find Yellyark and the Biting Ant Tribe

So, I gave a little rundown on Yellyark and their flying village (flinging village???) We find it and those goblins find us. Dad, Trees, and Valii had scouted ahead enough that they thought they had triangulated where the village should be (they were correct). They returned and we all proceeded toward the village. About 100 yards out a small group of goblin warriors, with primitive armor and weapons, confronted us. It was obvious that there were many more hidden in the jungle around us, but that just seems prudent on their part as we were a pretty decent-sized group. Jhazaali…

These Goblinoids are Awesome and I Learn Some Stuff

As mentioned, these goblins (of Yellyark) are semi-nomadic in their own awesome way and Dad explains the difficulties of finding them. We spend several days going up and down various tributaries and even hit parts of the Hydra again. There are some battles but with dad and Trees perceiving what was coming and the fighting prowess of the Volaar, short work is made of all that comes our way. Again, I’m still pretty young and told to hide but I do get the occasional dart or thrown dagger into a target. Let’s get back to the Volaar fighting prowess. Each…

Working with Dad Gets Me into Goblin Culture

My Intro to Kech Volaar (e.g., Coolest Goblinoids on the Planet) Barrakas – Rhaan, 990 YK There are some cool people I got to meet going out with dad and Trees and I really did learn a lot about surviving in the jungle, fighting for my life both face-to-face and from a nice hidden position, and how to keep an eye out for danger in general. One of my favorites was the time we were hired on by a couple Dhakaani hobgoblins, Jhazaali, a duur’kala, or “dirge singer” and Tariic (the glory seeker and singer of his own praises). They…