We Find Yellyark and the Biting Ant Tribe

So, I gave a little rundown on Yellyark and their flying village (flinging village???) We find it and those goblins find us. Dad, Trees, and Valii had scouted ahead enough that they thought they had triangulated where the village should be (they were correct). They returned and we all proceeded toward the village. About 100 yards out a small group of goblin warriors, with primitive armor and weapons, confronted us. It was obvious that there were many more hidden in the jungle around us, but that just seems prudent on their part as we were a pretty decent-sized group. Jhazaali stepped forward and gave a formal greeting in goblin (I had gotten a chance to learn a little of the language while we traveled but most of what was said here was lost on me). It obviously went well enough because we were escorted to the village. They were still pensive, but we didn’t even have to remove our weapons. Who knew goblins, thousands of years removed, would still look towards hobgoblins as leaders? Well, initially. Queen Grabstab did not feel the same way but we’ll get to that.  As we near Yellyark I can see the massive tree that is bent down with several

The Goblin Village of Yellyark
The Goblin Village of Yellyark

ropes attached to various points in the netting that covers the ground of the village. I can’t believe it’s actually true! Incredible. Probably too much to ask to see it in action… Yes. Too much. Umm… Okay. Got to Yellyark. The band that “greeted” us in the jungle bring us to the center of the village where the largest hut stands. The children and non-warrior types stop what they are doing and stare at us, many with mouths agape. Others grab up weapons and move into groups of 3-6 warrior types apiece. They also spread out as we move through the area. Later, Tariic explains that they were positioning themselves for optimal attacks with our group at the center. Understandable but a little disconcerting. He also said they were very efficient and that he was impressed considering their primitiveness (BTW this is very high praise from Tariic). Anyway, they invite one each of the various races to enter. So Jhazaali, Vanii, and Duusha prepare to enter. I assume my father or Trees will go with, but Dad says that I should go with them. Apparently, he believes my goblin is better than either of theirs so I’m the best choice. I detect a little deception here. Although it may be true that I understand goblin a bit better, I’m also the least threatening so I figure that played into it as well. No matter. I’m thrilled I get to watch this negotiation go down.