Primary Typeface

Roboto Condensed is our primary brand typeface. Robot Condensed is used in large and medium applications as a headline or subhead.

Roboto Condensed
Designed by Christian Robertson

Roboto Condensed

Secondary typeface

Roboto is our secondary typeface. It is used in small and medium use cases for body copy, and Calls To Action.

Designed by Christian Robertson


Secondary Weights

Type weight is used to distinguish between pieces of information. Our core brand only uses the Bold and Regular weights of Roboto. However, in extended use the full family may be used.

Type weight is used to distinguish between pieces of information. Our core brand only uses the Bold and Regular weights of Roboto. However, in extended use the full family may be used.

Roboto Black 900

Roboto Bold 700

Roboto Medium 500

Roboto Regular 400

Roboto Light 300

Roboto Thin 100


Scale is an important factor in setting type. Use Roboto Condensed big and bold, but be sure not to use it too small. This may distort legibility. In small applications, use Roboto.

Roboto Condensed when there is plenty of spacefor large type

Roboto Condensed

Roboto Condensed

Roboto Condensed

Roboto Condensed

This size is too small for Roboto Condensed and Roboto should be used instead

Roboto Condensed


Roboto Bold


To reinforce our brand voice, Roboto Condensed is set in all caps. Roboto, however, is always set in title case.

Roboto Condensed

All Caps

We are here for you.


Title Case

That is not supposed to be a threat.

Logo Typeface

The typeface used for the logo and wordmark is Museo 500. This typeface is not normally used outside of the logo and wordmark but may, in special circumstances, be applied elsewhere.

Museo Slab
Designed by Jos Buivenga

Museo Slab 500

Museo Slab 500 used in our logo
NOTE: when used with our logo it is depicted in all lowercase letters